Concordia University
Make a difference for those suffering from food insecurity.
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Université Concordia University
CU Cares

Dear ,

Through our CU Cares program, we have supported thousands of Montrealers struggling in isolation during the COVID-19 crisis.


Now, we need your help to address another challenge that has been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic — food insecurity. In Montreal alone, nearly one in five adults in our community have had difficulty accessing food.


We are thrilled to support our students at CASA Cares who have partnered with Miracle Montreal to help tackle this issue with a food drive.


How to give:
After registering, place a non-perishable food donation on your doorstep or in your lobby by 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 13, and volunteers will come by to collect it.

Thank you in advance for your commitment — together we are making a difference!

Register for your pick up here >>

If you would like to participate more actively with Miracle Montreal, you can also register as a volunteer. 




Lire en français.





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The Campaign for Concordia: Next-Gen. Now.


Concordia University
University Advancement
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal
Quebec H3G 1M8 CANADA



Charitable registration number: 10696 6591 RR0001


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